School & Community Workshops

NLP workshops are a great way for young people to learn new skills in a fun and relaxed environment.

Unlike one-to-one sessions which focus on a young person’s issues, workshops are based on themes such as Communication or Motivation. This means that there is something for everyone to learn and nobody feels singled out with a problem that they feel embarrassed about or feel that others wouldn’t understand.

Workshops can help normalise talk around certain issues for young people, so that they know that they are not alone in feeling the way they do. Sometimes it can bring children together as they build relationships based on something they have in common. When they learn together, it also means that they can support one another outside of the workshop too!

Workshops are geared to providing young people with the skills to manage themselves, instead of managing the problem. This means the skills are transferrable in any situation and truly are skills for life!

Examples of the types of workshops I run:

Understand the connection between thinking, language, and the results that you get
Build rapport with your peers
Powerful words that create energy and positivity versus words that leave you feeling stuck
– See things from a different point of view

Confidence Building
Understand how your thoughts can make you feel good or bad
What our body language tells us
Understand how your beliefs can help you succeed or stay stuck
How to get into a positive mood quickly

Learn how to talk to yourself to get the best out of you!
– Find out which sense you prefer to use to learn new information

Learn how to change your thinking to get rid of problems

Improve your mood fast


Exam Stress
Set realistic goals that can be achieved
Beliefs and how you will always be right, whatever you choose to believe
Improve memory skills with some simple techniques
Remain calm in stressful situations

Workshops are suitable for children aged 7+ years. Typically, workshops will be ran for specific age groups to ensure that the topic is suited to everyone attending.

Attending a workshop will:

* Make learning fun!
* Boost self-confidence.
* Use practical exercises that are effective and simple to learn.
* Enable young people to make confident and informed choices.
* Utilise tools that can be applied in day-to-day scenarios.

The duration of the workshop is dependent upon the age of the children and the topics covered. The minimum duration will be one hour.

I run workshops for schools, charities, and local communities. If you see something that could be of interest, please get in touch on: 07553 558818 or email: to discuss further.