Cognitive Therapy for Children & Teens

I’m an NLP4Kids practitioner who is passionate about helping young people to live their best lives!

When children are overwhelmed with emotions they do not always understand how or what they are feeling. This can affect their behaviour; however, this is often just a symptom masking the real issue.

Most of the time children aren’t acting up on purpose, they are attempting to communicate what is going on with them but simply don’t have have the words to do so.

We often focus on fixing the negative reactions that our children are displaying when they are: upset, angry, frustrated etc. However, understanding what is behind the build-up to these negative reactions, the “calm before the storm”, will really help us in getting to the root of the problem.

As a parent you want the best for your child and hate to see them struggling or upset. It can be tempting to go into fix mode and try and make the problem go away for them. Sometimes a child’s problems can seem far more complex and you feel that you want some additional support.

How I can help

Using highly effective NLP techniques, I coach children to feel empowered to take responsibility for their thoughts and feelings, focusing on the positive changes they want to see instead.

I teach children skills that can be used throughout their entire adult life, equipping them with the resilience and confidence to deal with life’s challenges in the future, whatever they might be!

Click here to read more about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

I can help children who are struggling with lots of different issues including:

  • Anxiety
  • Confidence
  • Self-esteem
  • Bullying
  • Anger issues
  • Emotional challenges
  • Exam stress
  • Nerves
  • Communication
  • Motivation
  • Behaviour
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • School refusal
  • Sleep issues

Free Consultation

I offer a consultation at clinics in Marlborough, Wiltshire and Newbury, Berkshire where we’ll explore the issues your child has been experiencing. This is a 60-minute appointment giving you the opportunity to get to know me better and ask any questions you may have.

Children are unique with different wants and needs and so I plan my sessions to the needs of each child. After our initial consultation, all future sessions are designed to be proactive and fun!

We will focus on challenging the unhelpful thought patterns your child is experiencing, using a variety of activities, and turn their attention towards creating a positive mindset and/or attitude instead. This means that we get to work straight away and start seeing positive results quickly!

I can offer virtual sessions over Zoom if this is preferred.

Contact Me

Get in touch via email: or call: 07553 558818 and we can have a chat about how I can help you and your child.

Everyone deserves the opportunity to become the best version of themselves!