What is NLP?

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a form of cognitive therapy that helps people of all ages understand what makes them tick – how they think, feel, and make sense of everyday life.

If we break down the NLP jargon it means:

Neuro: How you experience life events and translate this into thoughts and feelings using your five senses.

Linguistic: How you attach verbal and non-verbal language to your experiences and communicate with yourself and others.

Programming: How you learn and repeat your thought patterns based on your experiences which influence your behaviour and the actions you take.

NLP is a practical tool kit for the mind that will help your child identify and process their thoughts and feelings to get the results they want in life!

How will NLP benefit my child?

If any of the following statements sound familiar, NLP will help:

  • I want to help my child overcome their unhelpful beliefs and behaviour patterns
  • I want to help my child increase their self-esteem and confidence
  • I want to help my child overcome anxiety
  • I want to help my child reduce their stress
  • I want to help my child positively change the way they think and behave
  • I want to help my child communicate more effectively with those around them

NLP uses highly effective tools and techniques to:

  • Increase your child’s self-awareness, drawing their attention to how they use language in verbal and non-verbal communication and the effects this has on their behaviour.
  • Puts them back in control of their thoughts and feelings and able to make positive changes to the patterns of behaviour that stop them from achieving their goals.
  • Strengthen their resilience and confidence to manage life’s challenges in the future.


A child can be suffering from many negative emotions that stop them getting on with their lives. NLP can help with managing: Anxiety, Confidence, Self-esteem, Bullying, Anger issues, Exam stress, Nerves, Communication, Motivation, Behaviour, Social Anxiety Disorder and School refusal

What should I expect from a session?

I offer a consultation at clinics in Marlborough, Wiltshire and Newbury, Berkshire where we’ll explore the issues your child has been facing. This is a 60-minute session giving you and your child the opportunity to get to know me better and ask any questions you may have.

I appreciate life can be busy so to help reduce travel time, to and from appointments, I can offer online appointments over Zoom.

My aim is to get to work straight away and help your child start seeing positive results. This means that once we know what the problem is we will turn our attention to focusing on the solution instead.

After our initial consultation we will typically work together for three to five sessions. The regularity and number of sessions will be tailored to your child’s needs and is dependent upon how your child feels they are progressing as we work together.

What happens next?

I would love to chat with you to see how I can help your child.

I’ll encourage your child to focus on what they do want, and the changes they wish to see. All they need is the desire and commitment to want to make the change.

You can call me on 07553 558818 or email: louisem@nlp4kids.org

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